The market of professional memory cards has shrunk in the recent years as many cameras shifted to more compact SD cards, but there are still a good number of high-end cameras that use CFexpress or XQD media. This week Sonnet unveiled the industry’s first card reader with a Thunderbolt 3 interface that supports CFexpress and XQD.

The Sonnet SF3-series CFexpress/XQD Pro Card Reader (SF3-2CFEX) comes in a rugged aluminum enclosure, it supports CFexpress 2.0 Type B and XQD cards, and can read files concurrently from two CFexpress cards at up to 2,600 MB/s or two XQD cards at up to 800 MB/s. The reader has two Thunderbolt 3 ports to enable daisy chaining with other Thunderbolt 3 devices or connect a display.

The Sonnet SF3-2CFEX card reader measures 147 mm × 88.3 mm × 35.6 mm and is compatible with Apple macOS as well as Microsoft Windows PCs.


The Sonnet SF3 CFexpress/XQD Pro card reader is now available directly from the company for $199.99. At present the SF3-2CFEX media reader is the only one to support both CFexpress and XQD (at least according to Sonnet).

Sonnet’s SF3-series of professional card readers includes readers for CFast 2.0, XQD, SxS, and RED Mini-Mag cards. All of them feature a similar rugged yet compact design and are meant to be stacked and daisy chained.

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Source: Sonnet (via Hermitage Akihabara)

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  • Valantar - Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - link

    You have to love it when a company that caters exclusively to high end photo/video/image professionals has Photoshop work that terrible done to advertise their products. Mismatched perspectives and all that... ugh. Maybe some sort of insider humor, along the lines of "we know card readers, you know photoshop - let's keep doing what we're good at"? I mean, that can't possibly be an honest attempt at anything serious.
  • crimsonson - Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - link

    Yea the Pshop sux but their prdoducts are good.
  • JustusSteuber - Thursday, June 11, 2020 - link

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