Avivo in NY

by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/20/2005 10:14 PM EST
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  • ksherman - Thursday, September 22, 2005 - link

    I have a quick question regarding Vista...

    In windows xp, it is apparent that the GUI visuals are stored in the RAM, since when the pretty theme is disabled, it frees almost 20-30MB of system RAM. Will Vista store this GUI data in the RAM of the Video Card, or will it still sit in the system RAM?
  • GTaudiophile - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - link

    Good God! How much longer is ATI going to string us along with no real R520 info? Just lift the NDA darn it, so we can quit reading about Sander Sassen vs. Andrzej Bania and theInquirer vs. DigitLife vs.VR-Zone and 16 pipes vs. 24 pipes vs. 32 pipes. This is insane!

    In the end, we know that nVidia will fire back within hours of R520's release with at LEAST a "preview" of the new 80.XX drivers...that most likely will decrease IQ in order to increase FPS to steal ATI's thunder on launch day. Then nVidia won't actually officially launch said drivers until 3 weeks later. Something like that.
  • creathir - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - link

    that flash drive article... I'm actually getting ready to buy one... (thinkin' about the SanDisk Titanium)

    What exactly are you looking for in the storage server? Just a box with hard drive space? A network attatched storage? Just curious.
    - Creathir
  • rqle - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - link

    when your looking for a perfect storage server what kind of backup topology is deploy for anandtech.com. always curious how a company deploy there backup setup. I'm having problem thinking of a simple backup plan for just 200GB of data that is continous changing.

    surprise for Vinney's? she doesnt check the website? =)
  • Questar - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - link

    A company?
    This is a website with a couple of servers. Hardly company sized backup.
    200GB is easily handled by a single LTO drive.
  • niknik - Friday, September 23, 2005 - link

    Have you had a look at http://www.buffalotech.com/products/product-detail...">Terastation NAS?

    Have a heard a lot of people talking good about it, but it seems its performance is a bit "limited". Maybe it could be worth a review, so we find out about it. ;)

    Storage is certainly becoming one of the most important things. We all have lots of info we want to keep safe (and lots of junk too), and having it in off-line medium is becoming "obsolete". We need "always available - always backuped" storage.
    I'm considering somesort of NAS to be my next investment. But being used to 4 HDs raid 0 performance(at over 100MB/s)... I'd like something that could at least sustain 40MB/s read/write.

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