Since our last desktop review, I've overhauled the benchmarking suite for desktop systems. That means that AVADirect's build is getting a fairly fresh start. Futuremark has updated their PCMark 8 and 3DMark suites somewhat, making test results less comparable, and Cinebench has updated in the interim to R15. I figured now would also be a reasonable opportunity to trim down and focus gaming benchmarks.

Unfortunately, until I get more test systems in, comparison points are essentially lacking, but I can at least present the test results I do have for AVADirect's system.

Note that for PCMark 8, I'm running it with OpenCL acceleration. Since this is essentially the direction things are moving, it seems sensible to enable OpenCL.

PCMark 8 (Home) 5399
PCMark 8 (Creative) 5091
PCMark 8 (Work) 5546
PCMark 7 7029
3DMark (Fire Strike Extreme) 4731
Cinebench R15 (Multi-Thread) 851
Cinebench R15 (Single-Thread) 166
Cinebench R15 (OpenGL) 162.13
Video Encoding - x264 5.0 (Pass 1) 68.31
Video Encoding - x264 5.0 (Pass 2) 18.38

Scores are about where they should be, although the modest overclock and DDR3-1600 does hurt AVADirect a little. As far as the overclock goes, I'm not sure what can be done other than to try and cherry pick as many i7-4770Ks as possible; Haswell has a pretty wide range that I've experienced myself. 4.2GHz is conservative, but it's also about as high as I'd guarantee the majority of chips to be able to reliably hit and it seems to be what the SI industry has standardized on.


For gaming, I'm stuck on 1080p testing, so I've instead opted to just ramp settings as high as possible for each game. The reality is that our high end gaming hardware is stuck in a sort of limbo: too powerful for 1080p, nowhere near enough for 4K. Suffice to say, a single GTX 780 is mostly enough to handle the games in my revised suite.

BioShock Infinite 114.1
Company of Heroes 2 42.2
GRiD 2 111.7
Metro: Last Light 44.3
Tomb Raider 48.4

Keep in mind that Metro: Last Light and Tomb Raider are both running with SSAA, which is pretty taxing. So while we've got playable performance, it's not otherworldly just yet; we're not hitting the magic 60fps.

The bottom line is that AVADirect's system is more than adequate for handling most tasks and a fine gaming machine.

Analyzing the Build Quality Power Consumption and Heat
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  • gandergray - Sunday, February 23, 2014 - link

    Dustin, thank you for the review. Regarding rubber fan mounts, why are screws preferred?
  • Samus - Sunday, February 23, 2014 - link

    So your fans don't fall out.
  • tim851 - Sunday, February 23, 2014 - link

    That only happens with shitty mounts.
  • homer_pickett - Thursday, October 9, 2014 - link

    +1 to keep the fans in place. /Homer from
  • SunLord - Monday, February 24, 2014 - link

    The fans installed in this system have a built in rubber bushing so you don't need to use rubber mounts to silence them.
  • zodiacsoulmate - Monday, March 3, 2014 - link

    Rubber fan mount always leave a little crack between fan and case, which is a very severe air leak that will cause inefficient air cooling...
  • Gyro231995 - Sunday, February 23, 2014 - link

    Neat I guess. I have a chub but not a full on erection.
  • xaml - Saturday, March 1, 2014 - link

    @Gyro231995 What you're really saying is that certain people and their bushes should be thrown into oversized fans. I couldn't agree more.
  • brucek2 - Sunday, February 23, 2014 - link

    My first reading of the table was that this was a system that included 3x Nvidia 780s, yet was still quiet, and that cost only $2,500. I was ready to order on the spot.

    The downside of that much excitement is that now that I've realized its just one, it seems so so much less interesting.
  • will54 - Sunday, February 23, 2014 - link

    I thought the same thing at first. I know avadirect has a good price point but damn that would have been a sweet deal.

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