Intel Pentium III 533B & 600B

by Anand Lal Shimpi on September 27, 1999 2:38 AM EST

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Here's where things get interesting.  Under Windows NT, the 133MHz FSB and the faster data transfer rates of RDRAM begin to shine.  The Pentium III 600B had no problem pushing aside the regular Pentium III 600 and even brought its business application performance up to par with that of the Athlon 600.  The Athlon 600's superior floating point performance kept it in the lead in the high end tests however.  

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The overall impact of RDRAM and the 133MHz FSB is seen once again in the SYSMark 98 benchmark suite.   Although the Pentium III 600B doesn't tie the Athlon's performance clock for clock, it does approach the level of performance of the Athlon 550.  

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