Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3236

Thanksgiving was fun as always, lots of food, as well as lots of friendly debate at the dinner table. It's always fun when anyone brings up a debate about race and equality at dinner :)

I pretty much spent the entire break down in NC playing Xbox 360, I stand by my opinion that there are no killer launch titles, but instead there are a lot of pretty fun games that occupy my time instead. Since the last update I've gotten my hands on Project Gotham Racing 3, and oh how pleased I am. While it doesn't have the realistic physics or driving mechanics of a Forza or a GT4, it's got anti-aliasing, meaning I can actually see down the track and know which direction I'm supposed to be turning in a few hundred feet. The lighting effects in the game are amazing, and it is the first racing game that I've played where I'm finally happy with the graphics. The use of motion blur is also extremely impressive, in my eyes PGR3 is one of the best looking 360 games out there. Looks aside, it's also a lot of fun, which is quite a bit coming from me since I absolutely hated PGR1 and didn't care too much for PGR2.

Is the 360 the death of PC gaming? Of course not, it's just the latest and greatest thing to come along so of course I'm excited about it. When I look at the GPU power in the 360 and PS3, the one thing that amazes me the most is that in a matter of years, we'll look back on these GPUs and view them much like we do the GeForce 3 that's in the original Xbox - as abysmally slow. What will we have on the GPU side in the next few years to make even the almighty G70 seem little more than a step above integrated graphics? I can't even begin to fathom it, and that's cool.

The $600 notebook roundup is finally done and it's already in dire need of an update. Dell has released a few new notebooks that meet the sub $600 requirements, so I'll be looking at ordering one of the new Inspirons very soon to add as an update to the article. That being said, given the battery and tech specs of the new Inspiron B130, I would be surprised if it managed to outpace the Gateway that won the roundup. But there's only one way to find out of course, and I'll hopefully be doing that in the coming weeks.

I've got more to talk about, and something quite exciting, but I need to finish some more benchmarks first before I can spill the beans :)

Take care.

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