Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3233
I remember back when Matt used to do notebook reviews for us, he would *always* take the notebooks completely apart before actually reviewing them. Mike and I used to get on his case constantly about this, because we were always scared to death that he would break something before even running the first benchmark on it. Of course, he never did disappoint :)
But regardless of how much self restraint we have, when we get something new in the lab it's just our nature to want to tear it apart and figure out how it works. So when Kris left me a message at 11PM last night telling me that we'd have an Xbox 360 in 10 minutes, I knew what was about to happen.
Several late hours and a lot of work from Kris and Tuan and we had a completely disassembled Xbox 360, the brave out of us all being Tuan who handled the actual deconstruction. The lack of any external screws makes the unit much more like an iPod or a Mac mini to take apart, which means it's a lot more nerve racking to take apart than the original Xbox was.
So if you're anything like us, save yourself the anxiety and potential for irrecoverable damage and just flip through our article :)