Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3215
I actually got to drive today without running into much traffic, which is an absolutely unheard of phenomenon as of late in Branford. For whatever reason, even Saturday and Sunday afternoons have been rush-hour like on I-95 up here, but today I had a somewhat decent drive with Vinney when we went out to lunch. It wasn't too warm or too cold, and although there was traffic, it wasn't the usual sub-40mph traffic that we tend to get up here.
Cops are strange in Branford, none of them use their radar guns - ever - and today was a testament to that. I drove by one (note that I said drove, not flew by any means) and I actually had, for the first time ever, a cop yell at me to slow down while he was driving in the opposite direction. Now I make it a point not to speed through populated areas or be reckless with my driving (neither of which I was doing in this case), but I'm pretty sure the appropriate action as a police officer would be to turn on the radar gun and commence with the pulling over, if he really felt that I was speeding. Strange and funny at the same time :)
The interesting adventures on wheels today were capped off by the presence of a shovel in the middle of the left lane on I-95N, and surprisingly enough, no one had run over it. Things like this do surprise me; an inch of snow in Raleigh caused something like 400 accidents in one day last winter, but put a shovel in the middle of a lane in a crowded highway and everyone seems to know just how to drive all of a sudden. Not to mention the fact that there is always an accident on I-95, and there's almost never a shovel involved.