Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3200
Yesterday Vinney and I went down to our lot to see, for the first time in person, the progress on our first house together. I was completely blown away. It was so much more than I ever expected it to be and it was so much more exciting than when I built my first place, mostly because this one was designed by the two of us from scratch so there's so much more of us in every square foot of that place. I was truly blown away and it usually takes a lot to do that to me :)
We met with a designer yesterday as well, so hopefully we'll be able to enlist her services in actually making sure the whole house looks right on the inside. I don't think it's any surprise that I'm not the most decorative of the two of us and it'd be helpful to have someone to help us make all of the little decisions that we need to. Last night we mapped out where all of the light switches needed to be in the house; you just don't think about this stuff until you are forced to make a decision - needless to say, I'm at least confident that all of the light switches will be in the right places...I hope :)
The Xbox 360/PS3 piece is up, and despite its length it's actually not totally complete. I'm running a bit late so I'm going to cut this one short, I'll post more later.